Virtual Kabbalah

Virtual KabbalahA few days ago I had a meeting with the Israeli students of the virtual group. They study with us through the Internet and from time to time they also get together in person for different events. Some of them take a few days off from work to be at our center and work together with us. Sometimes they also come to the morning lessons.

I think that the next generation will perceive everything through the Internet. Then people will discover that the virtual connection enables us to get rid of the false external impression and to understand others on a deeper level.

Moreover, people will then understand that the virtual connection is also incomplete, and that a greater, spiritual connection is necessary. In addition, rising prices for travel and the time lost in traffic jams also push people toward the Internet. Hence, the development of the learning system through the Internet is the most important thing in the dissemination of Kabbalah in the world.

Related Material: Post: The Internet Is Just a Step Toward Revealing Our True Connection With Each Other
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