To Feel The Harmony Of Eternal Nature

To Feel the Harmony of Eternal NatureScientists have discovered that the appendix, which used to be considered a useless and even problematic organ, plays an important role in a persons’ immune system: It serves as a place for the appearance of bacteria, which are necessary for proper intestinal function.

A person in our world, due to his limits, doesn’t understand how fragmented his knowledge of the world is – but uses it to draw conclusions about the world. It thus seems to him that certain things in nature are redundant, unnecessary, and that some occurrences or properties are even harmful; and he wants to get rid of them. He doesn’t understand that evil – is only within him, in his egoism – and besides his egoism, the whole of nature exists in harmony. It is precisely because of his egoism that man is unable to see, feel and enjoy such harmony.
Kabbalah calls people who want to “correct” our world by getting rid of what seems harmful and redundant, “world correctors” (in quotes) – because such is their opinion of themselves. And if it weren’t for the plan of creation, which is to bring humanity to similarity to the Creator, they would make quite a mess in nature. All of their actions, however, trigger a negative reaction, which we feel as suffering, and which will ultimately convince all of us that rather than correcting the nature surrounding us, we need to correct OUR OWN nature. We will then feel the harmony of the nature and the eternity existing outside of us.

My Current Mood: Refreshed Refreshed


  1. Hello Michael and teacher,

    My search of this site on "suffering" revealed only this one blog post.  Yes, they took my appendix and told me after I woke up.  But that is not the purpose of my entry here.  I want to learn more about suffering because of my chronic illness, my son’s schizophrenia, and just heaps of people around me.  I describe the things I see as "torment" even more so than "suffering" because it is also a mental questioning of self, and it also involves the abuse of others who do not understand, yet the sun still shines.  I see that too.

    Fundamental and Pentecostal Christianity and "New Age Love and Light" Spirituality and "A Course In Miracles" and even some Buddhist Teachers suggest that I am doing something very wrong by NOT BEING ABLE TO BE HEALED.  It seems that if my spirituality was strong enough then I would NOT be ill, they say. The other day my girlfriend came over and said, "In the name of God, be healed" and she was disappointed.  I thought it was funny haha.  My other friends just leave me alone to "get better".  I have CFS/ME/fibromyalgia  and irritable bowel which to me is basically an energy dysfunction of some sort which has meant that career and social life etc is pretty well non-existent.  I live alone and I do get depressed but not all the time.  I can love just being alive sometimes and feel this connection to all that is and yet at the same time not like the nature of lots of people.  It is a bit contradictory.  Anyway I hope you will write a bit more about illness especially the chronic, flareup and flare down type, that doctors would prefer to label as psychiatric rather than physiological diseases that feel like a constant influenza.  But I would also like to know about the mental illnesses too because of my son’s schizophrenia and how I can help.

    I cannot keep up with all the so called "knowledge" on the Internet, I quit my Masters Degree because it was pointless, so can you email me when your blog addresses such an issue…that is asking too much…I shall find it I guess.

    Just want to say, I appreciate you,


    Judy (Australia)

  2. I hope you will write a bit more about illness especially the chronic, flareup and flare down type, that doctors would prefer to label as psychiatric rather than physiological diseases that feel like a constant influenza.  But I would also like to know about the mental illnesses too because of my son’s schizophrenia and how I can help.
    I think that there isn’t a cure for this illness, but I would also try using homeopathic medications instead of regular medications.

  3. Awesome article and may Judy from Australia find the etenal energy she needs!Regards Maureen

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